Have a French tutor B2 !
Crash courses or regular courses for your needs

TEF / TEFAQ : Crash course to prepare for Oral Expression (Part A and B)
- To be at level B2
- To be confident
- To pass Tefaq exam
- To be able to use your French in real life and to keep it
- To stay ready for an interview
Exam preparation with :
- Lots of simulation with real subjects
- Improving grammar and vocabulary
- Improving speaking
- Exam techniques
- Help and Guidelines for Oral comprehension
- Managing stress and to feel confident
- To be in control of your exam
(Prerequisite : Level B1, …)

To help students to overcome a difficulty or to help with a specific need
Such as :
Moving towards Speaking :
This course aims to move the student quickly towards speaking with confidence and sound grammar, in order to become autonomous when speaking in real life situations.
It promotes self-motivation to improve your spoken French and increase vocabulary by yourself.
(Prerequisite : Level A2+, B1-)
Speaking with confidence :
This course is for people who already speak French, but who would like to improve their oral communication skills by reviewing grammar, practicing various ways of saying things, expanding vocabulary to specific situations such as face to face meetings, communicating with others, managing projects etc.
The goal is a better and more nuanced communication with greater confidence.
(Prerequisite : to be able to communicate in French : B1++, B2, …)
To improve Speaking :
You have grammar and vocabulary, but it does not work and you struggle when speaking. This crash course helps you to master your knowledge of French, and to feel confident.
The focus is on speaking and I adapt course to each student.
Students feel comfortable with the way we deal with the challenge.
For any need, such as :
- Pronunciation
- Grammar (To quickly review grammar and be able to use it)
- Etc…
Career change :
This is not a French course but training for people looking for a job more compatible with their knowledge, skills and background. Most of my clients are specialists with University degrees obtained in Canada and/ abroad and with work experience of 2 to 8 years (also in Canada and/ abroad). Often, their work experience in Canada is not well related to their specialty or the area of work where they feel they can provide the best service .
My plus: Sharing with my clients an approach based on two points of view: the candidate’s viewpoint and human resource’s viewpoint. My other advantage is my ability to relate to professional experiences in different cultures. (I have over 30 years of professional experience in multicultural environments in Europe and North-America, also with Asian countries, with extensive knowledge, training and industrial experience in various fields like Engineering, IT, Accounting, Project management, Quality control, Production, Human resources, …)
I’m an easy-going person with a professional attitude.

(Niveau requis B1+)
L’examen de l’Office québécois de la langue française (examen de l’OQLF) permet d’obtenir l’attestation de connaissance du français nécessaire pour devenir membre d’un ordre professionnel.
Ce cours s'adresse principalement à 4 types d'étudiants :
- Aux professionnels qui suivent une formation officielle de l’OQLF et qui souhaitent une aide supplémentaire
- Aux professionnels qui connaissent déjà l’examen mais qui souhaitent renforcer un point particulier
- Aux professionnels qui connaissent déjà le français mais qui doivent améliorer rapidement leur expression orale
- Aux professionnels disposant de peu de temps
C’est un cours particulier adapté aux besoins de l’étudiant
Type de service apporté :
- Expression orale +++
- Compréhension orale (Explications ponctuelles + Méthode pour améliorer)
- Expression écrite +++
- Compréhension écrite (Explications ponctuelles + Méthode pour améliorer)
- Grammaire
- Prononciation
- Vocabulaire et expressions
- Rédaction de rapports ++
- …
Ce travail, orienté examen, correspond à des situations professionnelles réelles.

(Niveau requis B1+)
Ce service s'adresse aux professionnels en activité :
Ce service s’adresse aux professionnels en activité qui souhaitent par exemple :
- Améliorer (Ou renforcer) leur français dans un domaine particulier
- Prendre de l’assurance
- Transposer en français un savoir-faire qu’ils ont déjà dans une autre langue (Réunions, négociations, rapports, courriels, gestion de projets, qualité, gestion de conflits, …)
- Pouvoir s’exprimer avec des nuances
- Aller vite
- …
C’est un cours particulier en ligne adapté aux besoins des professionnels.
Mon plus : un “background” qui me permet de comprendre facilement des contextes professionnels variés.
Exemples de points qui peuvent-être abordés :
- Tenue de réunions
- Négociations
- Rédaction de rapports
- Courriels
- Gestion de projets
- Qualité
- …
L’objectif est aussi de mieux gérer les interactions avec les autres, d’être en contrôle et d’avoir les outils pour passer le message souhaité, de la façon souhaitée.